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5 Reasons to Consider Roof Replacement

There’s something special about the roof over your head, so why not treat it to a facelift? This winter, move forward with roof replacement as your next home remodeling project. Here are five things to keep in mind:

1. Get More Bang for Your Buck:

Ah, tax season. With the scramble to collect documents and filing of forms, comes the moment we’ve all been waiting for: an income tax refund. As tempting as it is to cash out on something luxurious, perhaps the most important investment you can make with your hard-earned money is to place it back into your humble abode – specifically, your roof.

A residential roof replacement varies in price, depending on the size of the home and roofing materials used. Though your tax refund may not be able to cover the entire cost of roof replacement, it will assist in covering necessary roof maintenance. In turn, your investment in your roof will be returned if you wish to sell in the future.

2. The Weather’s on Your Side:

Aside from the additional chunk of change, tax season coincides with another break for Florida residents: the weather finally drops below 80 degrees. Hurricane season officially ends Nov. 30, and risk to South Florida in November drops significantly as cool, dry air from the north stops the development of tropical depressions, storms, and hurricanes in their tracks.

The onset of Florida winter allows a perfect timeframe to allow work to be completed on the outside of the home, without fear of storms or heavy summer rain delaying progress. With shutters safely packed away, work can begin and continue smoothly, ensuring an efficient process.

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