Maybe it’s just years worth of wear and tear… or maybe a recent hurricane is the culprit; but either way, when it’s time to replace your roof, you have a lot of things to think about. One of your options is to replace your roof with a beautiful new shingle roof. This popular option has a lot of great advantages – in fact, we’ve compiled a list of reasons to help you make the most informed decision!
Did you know that shingles are one of the most affordable roofing materials? But don’t think that means they’re cheap quality – in fact, it’s just the opposite! Shing roofs have an average lifespan of 20 years, making this type of roof a strong, durable, and financially smart investment.
The average shingle roof costs anywhere between $2,000 and $8,000, depending on the size of your roof. Don’t let your leaking roof break the bank… if money is tight and you need to get the job done fast, shingles may be the right choice for you!
Installation Made Easy
Not only are shingle roofs affordable and durable, but they’re also extremely easy to install. That means that upgrading your roof will be a quick process. Depending on the size of your roof and the weather conditions, the overall time it will take for the whole project is anywhere between one and seven days. Additionally, it means that any possible future repairs to your roof will be quick and easy – which means you’ll be saving money on roof maintenance in the future.
Do you have a steep-sloped roof? Huge chimney vents? Don’t let that concern you – asphalt shingles are extremely versatile and can accommodate almost any type of roof! This is because they do not need any specialized accessories or unique requirements. Get creative and don’t let your options be limited by what you think you can or can’t do!
The Sky (or Just Your Roof…) is the Limit!
You might be thinking that, because it’s such an affordable material, you’re going to be stuck with only one or two boring style options for your roof – but the exact opposite is true! There are a ton of different styles and colors available to choose from! That means that you’ll be sure to find a style, a color, and a price that matches what you’re looking for. Now that’s a real win-win!
Real Safety for Your Family
Most roofing companies offer composite shingles that have Class A fire protection. That means that your shingles will be fire-resistant, allowing you and your family to relax with a sense of security knowing that your family will have extra time to evacuate your home in case of an emergency.
Ready to Install Your New Roof?
Can you remember how long it’s even been since you last had your roof worked on? Did hurricane season do a number on it and now you’re living with leaks throughout your home? Give us a call today at (561) 220-9998 or contact us here for a free estimate!